
Morphology and Lexicon Forum 2024


日本語の接辞 -tari がもたらす諸問題について


Battle in the Mind Fields (by John A. Goldsmith & Bernard Laks)

(2022/12/27) ゆっくりとではありますが、この本の日本語訳を作っています。サンプルはここをクリック。自分がこの本を訳す能力があるかは不確かなうえ、英語で約24万語にもなる大著であるので、いつ終わるのかも不明ですが、著者の1人が恩師であるので、頑張ります。I am working on a Japanese translation of this book. It is a large book with about 240,000 words in English. I am not sure when it will be completed, but I will let you know in this webpage.

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I have been reading this bulky academic book (656 pages long) for these six months, part of which I directly learned from one of the authors (John A. Goldsmith) at the University of Chicago. It is a study in "rupture" and "continuity" in the fields of mind sciences. This volume starts with linguistics, philosophy/logic, and psychology in the Nineteenth Century [Chs 2, 3, and 4] and takes the reader to Psychology (1900-1940) [Ch 5], American Linguistics (1900-1940) [Ch 6], Philosophy (1900-1940) [Ch 7], Logic (1900-1940) [Ch 8], and European Structuralism (1920-1940) [Ch 9]. It's not easy to read (I am still in the middle of Chapter 4), but their view, the only way to understand the present is to understand where it comes from, I cannot agree with more. For your information, you can see John himself talking about this book by clicking here (arigatoo gozaimasu, John! I am looking forward to volume two). To place an order, you can click here.



Morphology and Lexicon Forum 2022






(2022/08/31) 6年遅れで新書紹介を書きましたのでここからダウンロードして下さい。

(2016/12/14) 早稲田大学理工学術院・英語教育センター長・上野義雄先生の新著『現代日本語の文法構造・形態論編』。この後すぐに『統語論編』も発売されるということだが、これは「どのような形態論を展開するかは、どのような統語論を想定しているかに左右され、どのような統語論を展開するかは、どのような形態論を想定するかによって大きく異なる」という著者のお考えによるもの。(大学がこれだけ忙しくなっているのに、要職にありながら 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 と4年連続で出版が続くのも凄い。)

 本書は「文法とは複数の自律したモジュール間の競合である」という考えに基づいた Automodular Grammar (Sadock 1991, 2012) の枠組みから日本語形態論を論じてたもの。文法が複数の自律したモジュールから成立しているという考えは Autosegmental Phonology (Goldsmith 1976) や、古くは Stratificational Grammar (Lamb 1966) に遡る。基本的な考え方は「文法の労働分割」であり、本書もこの考えに沿う形で、すなわち「(例外もあるが)全ての語形成は形態部門で行う」という文法観のもとで日本語の形態論が分析されている。結果として、本書で展開される分析は、語形成に際して、統語部門を使用する諸分析とは一線を画しており、形態部門と統語部門とのインターフェイスを「語 」に限定している点において「語彙主義」と言われる諸理論の分析と親和性があるものになっている。しかしながら、形態部門を、独自の範疇や構成素や規則を擁した(統語部門・意味部門・音韻部門と同様の)自律した生成部門と見なすことにより、生成文法黎明期を支えた研究者たちが提唱してきた「述語繰り上げ」や「統語的接辞」といった概念を、形態部門と意味部門の現象として組み入れることに成功しており、この点(初期の)語彙主義のどの理論とも異なる分析が展開されている。

 本ブログの筆者は、兄弟子にあたる上野先生のご著書に関して何かを言うほどの器量を持ち合わせおらず、この数年、本書の草稿を読ませていただきながら、その知性において「夜に輝く月の光と蛍の光ほどの差がある」と痛感しているところ(もちろん後者が本ブログ筆者)。わかったのは「この分析の証拠として1つ目・・、2つ目・・、3つ目・・、4つ目・・、5つ目・・」と次々に証拠が繰り出されて議論が続くところなどは、上野先生が敬愛されている James D. McCawley の議論の仕方と全く同じであるということ。「これはどうです?」と感じたことには、必ずその答えが出てくるだけでなく、自分が感じたことが何であったのかを忘れるほどに深い議論が展開されており、読みながら目眩と頭痛がすること数知れず(涙)。これからも理解し自分のものとなるまで読み続けます。全てが懇切丁寧に説明されておりますから、是非ご一読下さい。


Michael Silverstein (1945-2020)

I had an impression that he was always very energetic, so this report from the University of Chicago was a considerable shock to me. My deep condolences to his family members, colleagues and students. 

During my doctoral studies, I registered for two advanced seminars on History of American Linguistics and Linguistics Categorization. Professor Silverstein was often in a very good mood, talking about various issues (from the nineteenth century, the age of scientific induction, to the 1960s, linguistics wars) without stopping for approx. 2.5 hours every week. As I recall, I was the sole graduate student from linguistics. I felt a bit intimidated, being surrounded by his (that is, University's) best graduate students from anthropology. Despite that, he was extremely attentive and a lot of fun to listen to, and I learned a great deal from him, as I did from many other great scholars with UChicago. Towards the end of a Spring Quarter, I had a chance to give a paper in front of him. My designated theme concerned a model of formalizing gradience between linguistic categories. After my 2 hour long presentation, he made me some very kind compliments, as well as extensive comments, for which I was (and still am) very grateful. They boosted my confidence in myself, which I tended to lose among the remarkable assemblage of teachers and students in the graduate school. 

Incidentally, he may be recognized as a functionalist or cognitivist due to his earlier works on animacy (Silverstein 1976a) and/or indexicality (Silverstein 1976b). If I understand him correctly (with anti-passive, split ergative, and so on), his linguistic thinking was of an astute formalist. Perhaps, "functionalist" and "formalist" are a false dichotomy.



コロナウイルス蔓延の中で生まれた新しい表現(new words and phrases during the coronavirus pandemic)

パケ死(packet death)
鯖落ち(mackerel drop)
ズーム(Zoom)・チームズ(Teams)・グーグルミート(Google Meet)
アベノマスク(Abe's mask)
ピーシーアールを受けて下さい(Please take a PCR test)
3密(three densities)
東京アラート(Tokyo alert)
    用例:「小池都知事は  "東京アラート" で流行語大賞を狙っているのでしょう」
お買い物メンタル(shopping mental)


My translation project (update)

(2023/03/31) If interested in reading a part of my translation, you can click here
(2018/08/06) I could manage to finish translating Ueno (2016) into English. It is still an incomplete first version (so far 85,000 words, approx. 300 pages) so that I have to ask the visitor of this webpage to wait some more time. The thing is that this translation was more challenging than I originally thought for the following three reasons; (1) romanized transliteration from Japanese required my own deep understanding of the ambiguous notion "word", (2) Yoshio touched on so many issues that had not been treated well in the literature and advanced numerous ingenious analyses with full of original factual observations, and finally (3) university administration too often kept me from working on this project..(change our school name? seriously?)


Is the study of language a science?

4:40am. It's more than 80F/27C. For those who cannot sleep well in sweltering hot summer days, here is a great article written by a friend of mine Arika Orkland (PhD Chicago 2004), a winner of LSA Linguistics Journalism Award. As she says, I don't get it.


The 154th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan 06/26-27

The 154the Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan was held at Tokyo Metropolitan University during June 24-25.

To colleagues and friends, thank you very much for coming. (and to TMU student staff, thank you for all the help.) It was a great conference.


I am teaching morphology

This quarter, I am teaching morphology at a prestigious college. It's wonderful to see the bright students beginning to understand various aspects of the multiply ambiguous word "word." Some of them are even beginning to say that a tense affix and a (tense) phrase are strange bedfellows… (young minds are too good…)


New Student Fellowship Launched in Honor of Yuki Kuroda

Let me cite an announcement for a new fellowship launched in honor of Yuki Kuroda.

The LSA is pleased to announce the establishment of a new student fellowship in honor of the late S.-Y. (Yuki) Kuroda. LSA member Susan Fischer has generously provided the founding contribution of $50,000 for the fund in memory of her late husband, Dr. Kuroda. We invite LSA members and colleagues of Drs. Fischer and Kuroda to make additional contributions to help us reach our goal of raising a total of $85,000 to fully endow the fellowship fund. This new student fellowship will be reserved for linguistics students from Japan to attend the LSA's biennial summer Linguistic Institute. It will cover tuition, travel, lodging, and board. Preference will be given to Japanese who haven't yet started studying in the US.





 本書で用いられている枠組み Automodular Grammar (Sadock 1991, 2012) の懇切丁寧に解説のあと、第2章からは「繰り上げ」「コントロール」「受身」「使役」「結果構文」「敬語」「かき混ぜ」と、日本語の主要な統語現象がどのような構造を有しているのか、その分析が続く。分析を正当化するために上野先生が様々な「テスト」をお使いになっているのだが、これがヒジョーに勉強になる。また取り扱われている統語現象も多岐に渡っており、「受身」の第4章は「太郎は先生に褒められた」というような直接受身から始まり、無活用動詞の直接受身、間接受身、無活用動詞の間接受身、持ち主の受身、二重目的語動詞の直接受身、長距離受身、Fpaの直接受身(「〜と言われている」)、凍結目的語の直接受身と、日本語文法に多少なりとも慣れ親しんだ人であれば「日本語の受身って、こんなにあったのか」と驚かれるはず。

 前作と同じく、読み切るには相当の忍耐と知性を必要とするのだが、こうした作品こそが「真の学者の仕事」で「海外の日本語研究者に読ませたい」思わせる一冊。英語タイトルは(もちろん)『More about Japanese Syntax Than You probably Want to Know』である。『形態論編』と合わせ、現代日本語文法の最高峰の一角を成していることを保証します。



An Automodular View of English Grammar by Yoshio Ueno(*2015 the English Linguistics Society of Japan Prize*)


Yoshio Ueno's new book An Automodular View of English Grammar (Waseda University Press) is now available from here. **This book received the English Linguistics Society of Japan Prize in 2015.**

For those who don't know much about the author of this book, let me write a little bit about him. Yoshio Ueno is professor of English at Waseda University, Japan. Originally trained as mathematician, Yoshio found himself attracted to linguistics and earned his PhD at the University of Chicago. His 1994 dissertation, Grammatical Functions and Clause Structure in Japanese, impressed every single member of his dissertation committee (including Jerrold M. Sadock and Amy Dahlstrom), and the work has since become the standard to the subsequent generation of graduate students who work on the Japanese language at Chicago. Reportedly, James D. McCawley (1939-1999) arranged to publish his dissertation from the University of Chicago Press, but he declined  it, saying "There is much left to be improved." Several years later, I started the same PhD program. I was naturally advised to study his  dissertation carefully. I did. I read his work (approx. 500 pages in two volumes) until I managed to understand by taking copious notes on many pages. I can thus assure you that there was NOTHING to be improved in his dissertation. On the contrary, it was a work of master syntactician with intellectual independence. The level of scholarship he manifested on nearly every page was just amazing.

I have utmost confidence that Yohio's new book significantly improves and contributes to current linguistic research, which has (in my view) long lost touch with reality. For specialists and non-specialists alike, I recommend it without reservation. This book received the English Linguistics Society of Japan Prize in 2015. (Congratulations!! I knew it!!)