
Is the study of language a science?

4:40am. It's more than 80F/27C. For those who cannot sleep well in sweltering hot summer days, here is a great article written by a friend of mine Arika Orkland (PhD Chicago 2004), a winner of LSA Linguistics Journalism Award. As she says, I don't get it.


The 154th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan 06/26-27

The 154the Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan was held at Tokyo Metropolitan University during June 24-25.

To colleagues and friends, thank you very much for coming. (and to TMU student staff, thank you for all the help.) It was a great conference.


I am teaching morphology

This quarter, I am teaching morphology at a prestigious college. It's wonderful to see the bright students beginning to understand various aspects of the multiply ambiguous word "word." Some of them are even beginning to say that a tense affix and a (tense) phrase are strange bedfellows… (young minds are too good…)


New Student Fellowship Launched in Honor of Yuki Kuroda

Let me cite an announcement for a new fellowship launched in honor of Yuki Kuroda.

The LSA is pleased to announce the establishment of a new student fellowship in honor of the late S.-Y. (Yuki) Kuroda. LSA member Susan Fischer has generously provided the founding contribution of $50,000 for the fund in memory of her late husband, Dr. Kuroda. We invite LSA members and colleagues of Drs. Fischer and Kuroda to make additional contributions to help us reach our goal of raising a total of $85,000 to fully endow the fellowship fund. This new student fellowship will be reserved for linguistics students from Japan to attend the LSA's biennial summer Linguistic Institute. It will cover tuition, travel, lodging, and board. Preference will be given to Japanese who haven't yet started studying in the US.





 本書で用いられている枠組み Automodular Grammar (Sadock 1991, 2012) の懇切丁寧に解説のあと、第2章からは「繰り上げ」「コントロール」「受身」「使役」「結果構文」「敬語」「かき混ぜ」と、日本語の主要な統語現象がどのような構造を有しているのか、その分析が続く。分析を正当化するために上野先生が様々な「テスト」をお使いになっているのだが、これがヒジョーに勉強になる。また取り扱われている統語現象も多岐に渡っており、「受身」の第4章は「太郎は先生に褒められた」というような直接受身から始まり、無活用動詞の直接受身、間接受身、無活用動詞の間接受身、持ち主の受身、二重目的語動詞の直接受身、長距離受身、Fpaの直接受身(「〜と言われている」)、凍結目的語の直接受身と、日本語文法に多少なりとも慣れ親しんだ人であれば「日本語の受身って、こんなにあったのか」と驚かれるはず。

 前作と同じく、読み切るには相当の忍耐と知性を必要とするのだが、こうした作品こそが「真の学者の仕事」で「海外の日本語研究者に読ませたい」思わせる一冊。英語タイトルは(もちろん)『More about Japanese Syntax Than You probably Want to Know』である。『形態論編』と合わせ、現代日本語文法の最高峰の一角を成していることを保証します。
