
Lives in Linguistics

I did not know until a few days ago that video-tapled conversations in "Lives in Linguistics" (an interview series by Professors John R. "Haj" Ross and John A. Goldsmith) were downloadable through iTunes U. The first speaker (interviewee) is Professor Lila Gleitman with University of Pennsylvania (a Past President of LSA). What she says there (e.g., how she got involved in linguistics, her first linguistics teacher Zellig Harris, the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis) is so interesting that approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes will pass in a moment. I especially enjoyed this video, for I played a tour guide when she visited Tokyo in 1999 and knew her in person.

To launch iTunes U, please click here. (An audio file is also available)

P.S. (as of December in 2011) Thanks to Haj and John, interviews with the following linguists are viewable also:
[1. Lila Gleitman] 2. Catherine V. Chvany, 3. Jerry Sadock, 4. John Goldsmith, Haj Ross, & Francois Dell, 5. Theo Vennemann.